Walking Manhattan - New York City
Leave the planning to us!
Destinations - Links
Check out Statue of Liberty facts: http://www.cleaningservicenewyorkcity.com/statue-of-liberty.html

Calculate the distance of your walk.  This is the coolest site.  Just point and click your walk and it will calculate the distance!  http://www.usatf.org/routes/map/

Looking for a Bike Route?  Check this out:  http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/pdf/bike/mapfront.pdf

Map of Central Park:  http://www.inetours.com/New_York/Pages/Central_Park_Map.html

Bike and Walking along the water: http://www.nyc.gov/html/edc/pdf/greenway_mapside.pdf

Know when to start and end your walk.  Sunrise and Sunset tables:  http://www.columbia.edu/~fdc/running/sun.html

Subway maps:  http://www.morningside-heights.net/submap.htm

Bus maps:  http://www.morningside-heights.net/busmap.htm

Individual Neighborhood Maps:   http://www.morningside-heights.net/manclick.htm

Upper West Side Landmarks and Historic Districts:  http://www.landmarkwest.org/maps_and_data/index.html

Neighborhood Bike Trail & Greenway Maphttp://www.morningside-heights.net/bikenabe.htm

List World's best walks @  www.walkopedia.net World's 100 Best Walks

NEW YORK  CITY WALK http://walking.about.com/library/walk/bltop10manhattan.htm 

And of course, don't forget Google maps:  //www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=10031&ll=40.830307,-73.943825&spn=0.05176,0.066776&t=k&om=1

TOP TEN WALKS http://walking.about.com/library/walk/bltop10manhattan.htm 

Together, let's make a Walking tour of Manhattan, New York

Parks, Shopping, Restaurants, Hotels, Siteseeing,...
so much to see!  B
ut where do we go???

Woody Allen and Diane Keaton before the 59th Street Bridge, one of the most iconic scenes from “Manhattan.”

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